Hello, my dear readers!
Thank you so much for staying with me!
Here's what readers of @irina_tech_tips Twitter account found most interesting last 5 weeks.
Wardley Maps
Wardley Maps - is a popular technique for visualising business strategies. It can be applied as an alternative to mind maps in #osint investigations. Try online free:
Image Matching WebUI
AI tool to help you quickly compare two pictures and find differences between them. (look at the areas that do not have red lines)
Google keyword and search results analyses tool:
- related queries
- traffic volume
- Cost Per Click
and more.
25 analyses FREE.
Sing the melody into the microphone or upload a audio file with a melody Describe the music in words, click generate, wait and download the track
ChatGPT Infinity
Indispensable when you need to get a large amount of text or code from ChatGPT. This extension eliminates the need to constantly press the "Continue generating" button.
Your Social Media Fingerprint
Old and simple online tool that shows which sites you are currently authorised on.
As of today, that's it. Thank you very much for your attention! See you after 2-3 weeks! (I hope).